
Ⅰ.学術論文(査読付きFull Paper)

1. 感圧導伝ゴムを応用した側弯症装具矯正効果判定の試み,整形外科バイオメカニクス,12 (1990),215-217,新井久夫・古賀良生・高橋一雄・原利昭・笹川和彦・中部昇・茂野勇一

2. 膝蓋大腿関節の接触圧力分布-膝関節運動及び脛骨結節浮上術に関連して-,整形外科バイオメカニクス,12 (1990),225-228,笹川和彦・中部昇・原利昭・古賀良生・大森豪

3. 人工膝関節置換後の膝蓋骨脱臼についての検討,整形外科バイオメカニクス,12 (1990),255-258,中部昇・笹川和彦・原利昭・古賀良生・大森豪

4. 人工膝関節置換術後の膝蓋大腿関節におけるpatella trackingと接触圧力についての実験的検討,整形外科バイオメカニクス,13 (1991),387-391,大森 豪・古賀良生・高橋栄明・笹川和彦・原利昭・Joan E. Bechtold・Ramon B. Gustilo

5. PTB下腿装具の免荷性の評価,日本機械学会論文集(A編),58 (1992),1148-1153,笹川和彦・原利昭・石井卓・古賀良生・金谷喜久雄・田村義則

6. 感圧導電ゴムを用いた関節内接触圧力分布測定システム,日本機械学会論文集(A編),58 (1992),1154-1159,原利昭・笹川和彦・中部昇・古賀良生・金谷喜久雄

7. 股関節接触面圧の実験的解析-感圧導電ゴムセンサーを使用して-,日本臨床バイオメカニクス学会,14 (1992),315-318,元田英一・三浦隆行・岩崎洋史・笹川和彦・原利昭

8. 膝蓋大腿関節の接触圧力分布および膝蓋骨trackingの同時測定システム,日本臨床バイオメカニクス学会,14 (1992),319-323,今井和実・笹川和彦・原利昭・大森豪・高橋美徳・古賀良生

9. 膝蓋骨非置換人工膝関節置換術後の膝蓋大腿関節における接触動態についての実験的検討,日本臨床バイオメカニクス学会,14 (1992),325-329,大森豪・古賀良生・笹川和彦・原利昭・今井和実・Joan E. Bechtold・Ramon Gustilo

10.脛骨結節前方移行術前後の膝蓋大腿関節の接触圧力および膝蓋骨trackingの変化,日本臨床バイオメカニクス学会,14 (1992),331-334,笹川和彦・今井和実・原利昭・大森豪・高橋美徳・古賀良生

11.下肢アライメント変化による膝関節接触圧力への影響についての実験的検討,日本臨床バイオメカニクス学会,14 (1992),341-344,岩崎洋史・笹川和彦・原利昭・大森 豪・高橋美徳・古賀良生

12.駆血帯装着時の接触圧力分布測定,日本臨床バイオメカニクス学会,14 (1992),453-456,船平伸之・笹川和彦・原利昭・佐藤朗・古賀良生

13.膝蓋骨非置換TKAにおける膝蓋大腿関節の適合性についての検討,日本臨床バイオメカニクス学会誌,15 (1994),483-488,中部昇・今井和実・原利昭・笹川和彦・大森豪・古賀良生

14.THEORETICAL ANALYSIS OF ELECTROTHERMAL CRACK PROBLEM CONSIDERING THOMSON EFFECT, Mechanics and Materials for Electronic Packaging: Volume 3 - Coupled Field Behavior in Materials, 1994 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, AMD-193 (1994),53-59, Masumi Saka, Kazuhiko Sasagawa, and Hiroyuki Abé

15.CURRENT DENSITY AND TEMPERATURE DISTRIBUTIONS NEAR THE CORNER OF ANGLED METAL LINE, Mechanics Research Communications, 22(5) (1995), 473-483, K. Sasagawa, M. Saka and H. Abé


17.Analysis of Electromigration in Angled Metal Line, Experimental/Numerical Mechanics in Electronic Packaging, SEM, 1 (1996), 108-116, K. Sasagawa, Y. Honma, M. Saka and H. Abé

18.Contact pressure and three-dimensional tracking of unresurfaced patella in total knee arthroplasty, The Knee, 4 (1997), 15-21, Go Omori, Yoshio Koga, Joan E. Bechtold, Ramon B. Gustilo, Noboru Nakabe, Kazuhiko Sasagawa, Toshiaki Hara, Hideaki E. Takahashi


20.Study on Electromigration Considering Singularity of Temperature Gradient at Corner, Experimental/Numerical Mechanics in Electronic Packaging, SEM, 2 (1997), 126-133, Kazuhiko Sasagawa, Naoaki Nakamura, Masumi Saka and Hiroyuki Abé

21.Analysis of Electromigration Considering Thomson Effect, Thermo-Mechanical Characterization of Evolving Packaging Materials and Structures, THE 1998 ASME INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL ENGINEERING CONGRESS AND EXPOSITION,THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, EEP-24 (1998), 87-92, K. Sasagawa, M. Yagi, M. Saka and H. Abé

22.A New Approach to Calculate Atomic Flux Divergence by Electromigration, Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Electronic Packaging, 120(1998), 360-366, K. Sasagawa N. Nakamura M. Saka H. Abé

23.金属薄膜配線におけるエレクトロマイグレーション損傷支配パラメータの実験的検証,日本機械学会論文集(A編),65 (631), (1999-3), 469-476,笹川和彦, 中村直章, 坂真澄, 阿部博之

24.Verification of a Governing Parameter for Electromigration Damage in Bamboo Lines, Advances in Electronic Packaging, PROCEEDINGS OF THE PACIFIC RIM/ ASME INTERNATIONAL INTERSOCIETY ELECTRONIC & PHOTONIC PACKAGING CONFERENCE INTERPACK ’99, THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, EEP-16-1 (1999), 227-232, Kazuhiko Sasagawa, Kazushi Naito, Masataka Hasegawa, Masumi Saka and Hiroyuki Abé

25.Prediction of Electromigration Failure in Bamboo Lines, Advances in Electronic Packaging, PROCEEDINGS OF THE PACIFIC RIM/ ASME INTERNATIONAL INTERSOCIETY ELECTRONIC & PHOTONIC PACKAGING CONFERENCE INTERPACK ’99, THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, EEP-16-1 (1999), 233 - 238, Kazuhiko Sasagawa, Kazushi Naito, Masumi Saka and Hiroyuki Abé

26.A Method to Predict Electromigration Failure of Metal Lines [Journal of Applied Physics, 86 (11), (1999-12), 6043 - 6051] K. Sasagawa, K. Naito, M. Saka and H. Abé

27.Atomic Flux Divergence in Bamboo Line for Predicting Initial Formation of Voids and Hillocks [Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 33 (1), (2000-2), 67 - 72] K. Sasagawa, M. Hasegawa, M. Saka and H. Abé

28.Experimental Verification of Prediction Method for Electromigration Failure of Polycrystalline Lines [Journal of Applied Physics, 87 (6), (2000-3-15), 2785 - 2791] K. Sasagawa, K. Naito, H. Kimura, M. Saka and H. Abé

29.Verification of the Governing Parameter for Electromigration Damage in Passivated Polycrystalline Line [Proc. of InterPACK '01, The Pacific Rim/International, Intersociety, Electronic Packaging Technical/Business Conference & Exhibition, ASME, Kauai, Hawaii, USA, July 8-13, 2001, (2001-7-9), IPACK2001-15644, 1-9] K. Sasagawa, M. Hasegawa, M. Saka and H. Abé

30.Effects of Corner Position and Operating Condition on Electromigration Failure in Angled Bamboo Lines without Passivation Layer [Thin Solid Films, 401(1-2), (2001-12-17), 255 - 266] K. Sasagawa, M. Hasegawa, K. Naito, M. Saka and H. Abé

31.Governing Parameter for Electromigration Damage in the Polycrystalline Line Covered with Passivation Layer [Journal of Applied Physics, 91(4), (2002-2-15), 1882-1890] K. Sasagawa, M. Hasegawa, M. Saka and H. Abé

32.Prediction of Electromigration Failure in Passivated Polycrystalline Line [Journal of Applied Physics, 91(11), (2002-6-1), 9005-9014] K. Sasagawa, M. Hasegawa, M. Saka and H. Abé

33.Simulation of Electromigration Failure in Angled Polycrystalline Line Covered with Passivation Layer [Advances in Computational Engineering & Sciences, Proc. 2002 International Conference for Computational Engineering and Sciences(CD-ROM), (2002-7/31-8/2, Reno), paper-ID 86] M. Hasegawa, K. Sasagawa, M. Saka and H. Abé

34.Derivation of Film Characteristics and Prediction of Electromigration Failure in Passivated Polycrystalline Line [Advanced Metallization Conference 2002, (2002-10/28-30), MRS, 291-296] K. Sasagawa, M. Hasegawa, M. Saka and H. Abé

35.Failure Simulation of Angled Polycrystalline Lines Covered with Passivation Layer [Proc. 2002 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (CD-ROM), ASME, Nov. 17-22, 2002, New Orleans, USA, paper-ID IMECE2002-39677] M. Hasegawa, K. Sasagawa, M. Saka and H. Abé

36.Expression of a Governing Parameter for Electromigration Damage on Metal Line Ends [Proc. of InterPACK '03(CD-ROM), The Pacific Rim/ASME International Electronic Packaging Technical Conference & Exhibition, ASME, Maui, Hawaii, USA, July 6-11, 2003, (2003-7-6), InterPack2003-35064] M. Hasegawa, K. Sasagawa, M. Saka and H. Abé

37.Prediction of Electromigration Failure in Passivated Polycrystalline Line Considering Passivation Thickness [Proc. of InterPACK '03(CD-ROM), The Pacific Rim/ASME International Electronic Packaging Technical Conference & Exhibition, ASME, Maui, Hawaii, USA, July 6-11, 2003, (2003-7-6), InterPack2003-35065] K. Sasagawa, M. Hasegawa, N. Yoshida, M. Saka and H. Abé

38.Derivation of Film Characteristic Constants by Using Governing Parameter for Electromigration Damage in Passivated Bamboo Line [Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Fracture (CD-ROM), March 20-25, 2005, Turin, Italy, Paper ID 3699] M. Hasegawa, K. Sasagawa and M. Saka

39.Effect of Line-Shape on Threshold Current Density of Electromigration Damage in Bamboo Lines [Proceedings of IPACK2005(CD-ROM), The ASME/Pacific Rim Technical Conference and Exhibition on Integration and Packaging of MEMS, NEMS, and Electronic Systems, ASME, July 17-22, 2005, San Francisco, California, USA, Paper ID IPACK2005-73133] K. Sasagawa, S. Uno, N. Yamaji and M. Saka

40.Verification of Prediction Method for Electromigration Failure Using Angled Polycrystalline Line [Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 297-300(Advances in Fracture and Strength), Proc. Asian Pacific Conference for Fracture and Strength ’04, Lotte Hotel Jeju, Korea (2004-10/6-8), Nov. 2005, 263-268] S. Uno, M. Hasegawa, K. Sasagawa and M. Saka

41.Electromigration Failure of Metal Lines [International Journal of Fracture, Volume 138, Numbers 1-4, March 2006, 219-240] H. Abé, K. Sasagawa and M. Saka

42.Evaluation of Threshold Current Density of Electromigration Damage in Angled Bamboo Lines [Proceedings of ASME 2007 InterPACK Conference(CD-ROM), The ASME/Pacific Rim Technical Conference and Exhibition on Integration and Packaging of MEMS, NEMS, and Electronic Systems, ASME, July 8-12, 2007, Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA, Paper ID IPACK2007-33237] K. Sasagawa and S. Fukushi

43.高位脛骨骨切り術前後における膝蓋大腿関節の接触圧力分布測定 [日本臨床バイオメカニクス学会誌, Vol.28 (2007/11/20), 173-177] 成田純平,笹川和彦,塚田晴彦,石橋恭之

44.リンパ浮腫治療用弾性ストッキングと下肢間の接触圧力分布測定システム[日本臨床バイオメカニクス学会誌, Vol.28 (2007/11/20), 433-437] 矢島久幸,笹川和彦,細川賀乃子,近藤和泉

45.Threshold Current Density of Electromigration Damage in Angled Polycrystalline Line [Key Engineering Materials Vols. 353-358 (2007, Nov.) pp. 2958-2961] K. Sasagawa, N. Yamaji and S. Fukushi

46.Formation of Metallic Micro/Nanomaterials by Utilizing Migration Phenomena and Techniques for Their Applications [Materials Science Forum, Vol. 614, (Mar., 2009), 3-9] M. Saka, H. Tohmyoh, M. Muraoka, Y. Ju, and K. Sasagawa

47.Derivation of Electromigration Characteristic Constants of Metal Line Used in Electronic Devices [Proc. 12th Int. Conf. Fracture, July 12-17, 2009, Ottawa, Canada (CD-ROM), (July, 2009), Paper No. T22.009. (total 9 pages)] K. Sasagawa, T. Gomyo, and A. Kirita

48.Numerical Simulation of Threshold Current Density of Electromigration Damage in Cu Interconnect Tree [Proc. ASME 2009 InterPACK Conf., July 19-23, 2009, San Francisco, California, USA (CD-ROM), (2009), Paper No. IPACK2009-89229 (total 6 pages)] K. Sasagawa, A. Kirita, T. Abo, and A.H. Hassan

49.嚥下時の口腔および咽頭内の接触圧力同時測定システムの開発, 臨床バイオメカニクス, Vol.30, (2009年9月20日),83-87] 大里泰彦,笹川和彦,横山紘太郎,才藤栄一,近藤和泉

50.ステント形状評価を目的とした血管―ステント間の接触圧力分布測定システム, 臨床バイオメカニクス, Vol.30, (2009年9月20日),249-253] 笹川和彦,横山紘太郎,成田純平

51.Derivation of Film Characteristic Constants of Polycrystalline Line for Reliability Evaluation against Electromigration Failure [Mechanics of Materials, 41(10) , (Oct., 2009), 1090-1095] M. Hasegawa, K. Sasagawa, S. Uno, M. Saka and H. Abé

52.A Numerical Simulation of Nanostructure Formation Utilizing Electromigration [J. Electron. Mater., 38(10), (Nov., 2009), 2201-2206] K. Sasagawa, S. Fukushi, Y. Sun, and M. Saka

53.Simulation of Nanostructure Production by Electromigration Considering Specimen's Shape [J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol., 10(9), (2010-9), 6036-6040] K. Sasagawa, A. Kirita, S. Fukushi and M. Saka


1.機械工学便覧 [基礎編α3材料力学(2005-4-25),分担執筆13・14,199 – 200,日本機械学会,丸善] 笹川和彦ほか (全86名)

2.よくわかる実験技術・学術用語 [(2006-11-1),分担執筆 よくわかる学術用語 エレクトロマイグレーション,ISBN4-9903400-0-0, 91 – 92,横山 隆,松井剛一,井口 学編集,日本実験力学会,全123頁] 笹川和彦ほか (全35名)

3.金属微細配線におけるマイグレーションのメカニズムと対策 [(2006-12-25),分担執筆 第12章エレクトロマイグレーションの損傷予測モデリング,ISBN4-903413-15-2, 151 – 174,新宮原 正三 監修,サイエンス&テクノロジー,全206頁] 笹川和彦ほか (全15名)

4.Metallic Micro and Nano Materials - Fabrication with Atomic Diffusion [Engineering Materials, M. Saka (Ed.), Springer, (2011) , ISBN978-3-642-15410-2] M. Saka, K. Sasagawa, M. Muraoka, H. Tohmyoh and Y. Ju (Authors),


1.The Load-Bearing Functional Evaluation of PTB Orthosis, Proceedings Third U.S.A.-China-Japan Conference On Biomechanics, (1991), 74-75, T. Hara, K. Sasagawa, Y. Koga, H. Takahashi

2.CONTACT PRESSURE DISTRIBUTION ON THE PATELLO-FEMORAL JOINT BEFORE AND AFTER TOTAL KNEE ARTHROPLASTY, TRANSACTIONS of the 38th Annual Meeting Orthopaedic Research Society, 17 (1992), 332, G. Ohmori, K. Sasagawa, J.E. Bechtold, P.T. Bianco, R.B. Gustilo, T. Hara, H. Takahashi, Y. Koga

3.Radial Styloid Wedge Osteotomy for Early SLAC Wrist, Nonunion of the Scaphoid and for Painful Radial Styloid Impingement Syndrome: A Preliminary Report Wrist Disorders, Springer-Verlag, Tokyo, (1992), 299-307, MINORU SHIBATA, HIDEHIKO SAITO, JUNICHI HASEGAWA, TOSHIAKI HARA, KAZUHIKO SASAGAWA and NOBORU NAKABE

4.Numerical Simulation of Electromigration in Angled Metal Line, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Microsystems, Intelligent Materials and Robots, (1995), 213-216, Kazuhiko Sasagawa, Takanori Yamauchi, Masumi Saka and Hiroyuki Abé

5.Verification of a Governing Parameter for Electromigration Damage in Metal Lines, Proceedings of 1999 IEMT/IMC Symposium, (1999), 304-309, K. Sasagawa N. Nakamura M. Saka H. Abé

6.Electromigration Damage in Bamboo Line [Proc. of an Int. Conf. of Mechanics for Development of Science and Technology, June 2000, Xi'an, Vol.II, 847-852] K.Sasagawa, M. Hasegawa, M. Saka, H. Abé

7.Prediction of Bamboo Line Failure by Using a Governing Parameter of Electromigration Damage [Proc. of Int. Workshop on Sensing and Evaluation of Materials System, Sendai, Japan, 22 Aug., 2000, Eds. M. Saka, H. Soyama, (2000-8), 25-32] K. Sasagawa, K. Naito, M. Hasegawa, M. Saka and H. Abé

8.A Governing Parameter for Electromigration Damage and Prediction of Failure in Al Lines [Proc. of Int. Symposia on Material Science for the 21st Century, Osaka, Japan, 21-26 May., 2001, (2001-5-21), 245-248] K. Sasagawa, K. Naito, M. Hasegawa, M. Saka and H. Abé

9.A Governing Parameter for Electromigration Damage in Passivated Polycrystalline Lines and Its Verification [Proc. Sixth International Workshop on Stress-Induced Phenomena in Metallization, AIP, Cornell Univ., Ithaka, USA, July 25-27, 2001, (2001-7)] K. Sasagawa, M. Hasegawa, M. Saka and H. Abé

10.Prediction Method of Electromigration Failure in Passivated Polycrystalline Line [Proc. International Symposium of Precision Engineering and MEMS’ 2002, Nov. 3-6, 2002, Hangzhou, China, 14 - 20] K. Sasagawa, M. Hasegawa, M. Saka and H. Abé

11.Evaluation Method of the Threshold Current Density for Electromigration Damage in IC Metal Lines [The Second Japan-Taiwan Workshop on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology & Tohoku University (2003-10/17-20), 129 - 137] M. Hasegawa, K. Sasagawa and M. Saka

12.Derivation of the Film Characteristic Constants Using the Governing Parameter for Electromigration Damage at Metal Line Ends, Proc. of ISMME2003, The International Symposium on Micro-Mechanical Engineering―Heat Transfer, Fluid Dynamics, Reliability and Mechatronics―, JSME, Tsuchiura, Japan, December 1-3, 2003, (2003-12-1), 433 – 439, M. Hasegawa, K. Sasagawa, S. Uno and M. Saka

13.Derivation of Film Characteristic Constants of Polycrystalline Line for Reliability Evaluation against Electromigration Failure [2004 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, ASME, Nov. 13-19, 2004, Anaheim, USA, paper ID IMECE2002-60620 (presentation only)] M. Hasegawa, K. Sasagawa, S. Uno, M. Saka and H. Abé

14.Dynamic Measurement of Pressure Distribution of Bi-ski Seat Interface [Journal of Biomechanics Vol. 39/S1(2006), Abstracts of the 5th World Congress of Biomechanics, Munich, Germany(2006-7/29-8/4),S553] H. Yajima and K. Sasagawa

15.Development of Measurement System of Contact Pressure Distribution in Human Small Joint [Journal of Biomechanics Vol. 39/S1(2006), Abstracts of the 5th World Congress of Biomechanics, Munich, Germany(2006-7/29-8/4),S81] J. Narita, K. Sasagawa, H. Miyata and S. Toh

16.Change of Contact Pressure Distribution in Patellofemoral Joint with High Tibial Osteotomy [Transactions of the 53th Annual Meeting of Orthopaedic Research Society (CD-ROM), San Diego, USA (2007-2/11-14) Paper No: 0748] J. Narita, K. Sasagawa, H. Tsukada and Y. Ishibashi

17.Evaluation of Threshold Current Density of Electromigration Damage in Interconnect Tree with Angled Cu Lines [12th International Conference on Electronics Materials and Packaging(CD-ROM), Singapore, Republic of Singapore, (2010-10/25~27), Papar ID: 110-116] K. Sasagawa, T. Abo

18.Development of Sensor System for Measurement of Distributions of Contact Pressure and Shear Stress on Contacting Skin Surface [The 5th International Symposium on Advance and Technology in Experimental Mechanics(CD-ROM), Kyoto/Ryukoku University, (2010-11/4~7), Paper ID: 127] K. Sasagawa, K. Tokiyoshi


1.圧力センサーを使用した側弯矯正装具のチェックシステム,日本義肢装具学会誌,8 (1992), 35-37,田村義則・赤川喜一・古賀良生・新井久夫・高橋一雄・原利昭・笹川和彦・中部昇

2.感圧導電ゴムセンサとその応用-下腿装具の機能評価-,センサ技術,12 (1992),62-67,原利昭・笹川和彦・古賀良生

3.LSI断線シミュレーション 弘前大がソフト開発,日刊工業新聞,5月21日(1999),7

4.Software for Simulation of Line Failure of LSI Devices,New Technology Japan,JETRO,27(6),1999-9,33


6.エレクトロマイグレーション,日本実験力学会誌「実験力学」,3(4), (2003-12),71-72,笹川和彦

7.米機械学会で最優秀 半導体の損傷・寿命を予測,東奥日報,9月20日(2007),夕刊3
