- 半導体集積回路における微細金属薄膜配線の断線故障予測 [日本機械学会 材料力学部門2003年春のシンポジウム 講演論文集, No.03-06,
東京/東京工業大学, (2003-3/28~29), 7-10]
笹川和彦, 谷川昌孝, 坂真澄, 阿部博之
Prediction of Electromigration Failure in Passivated Polycrystalline Lines
in IC [Proc. JSME M & M 2003 Spring Symposium, No.03-06, Tokyo/Tokyo
Institute of Technology, (2003-3/28~29), 7-10]
K. Sasagawa, M. Hasegawa, M. Saka and H. Abé
Failure Simulation of Angled Polycrystalline Lines Covered With Passivation
Layer [Proc. 2002 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress &
Exposition(CD-ROM), ASME, New Orleans, USA, (2002-11/17~22), Paper ID:
M. Hasegawa, K. Sasagawa, M. Saka and H. Abé
Prediction Method of Electromigration Failure in Passivated Polycrystalline
Line [Proc. International Symposium of Precision Engineering and MEMS'
2002, (2002-11/3-6), Hangzhou, China, 14-20]
K. Sasagawa, M. Hasegawa, M. Saka and H. Abé(presented by Prof. Saka)
保護膜の厚さを考慮したエレクトロマイグレーション損傷の予測 [日本機械学会 第15回計算力学講演会 講演論文集, No.02-02, 鹿児島/鹿児島大学,
(2002-11/2~4), 319-320]
笹川和彦, 吉田直樹, 長谷川昌孝, 坂真澄, 阿部博之
Prediction of Electromigration Failure Considering Passivation Thickness
[Proc. the 15th Computational Mechanics Conference, No.02-02, Kagoshima/Kagoshima
University, (2002-11/2~4), 319-320]
K. Sasagawa, N. Yoshida, M. Hasegawa, M. Saka and H. Abé
Derivation of Film Characteristics and Prediction of Electromigration Failure
in Passivated Polycrystalline Line [Advanced Metalization Conference 2002,
(2002-10/28-30), MRS, 291-296]
K. Sasagawa, M. Hasegawa, M. Saka and H. Abé
保護膜で被覆された折れ曲がる多結晶配線の断線予測 [日本機械学会 2002年度年次大会 講演論文集, Vol.VI, No.02-1, 東京/東京大学,
(2002-9/24~28), 263-264]
長谷川昌孝, 笹川和彦, 坂真澄, 阿部博之
Prediction of failure in the angled polycrystalline lines covered with
passivation [Proc. 2002 JSME Annual Meeting (VI),No.02-1, Tokyo/The University
of Tokyo, (2002-9/24~28), 263-264
M. Hasegawa, K. Sasagawa, M. Saka and H. Abé
折れ曲がる保護膜被覆多結晶配線の断線シミュレーション [第46回日本学術会議材料研究連合講演会 講演論文集, 京都/京大会館, (2002-9/18~19),
長谷川昌孝, 笹川和彦, 坂真澄, 阿部博之
Prediction of Electromigration Failure in Angled and Passivated Polycrystalline
Line [Proc. 46th Material Research Conference, Kyoto/Kyodaikaikan, (2002-9/18~19),
M. Hasegawa, K. Sasagawa, M. Saka and H. Abé
Simulation of Electromigration Failure in Angled Polycrystalline Line Covered
with Passivation Layer [Advances in Computational Engineering & Sciences,
Proc. 2002 International Conference for Computational Engineering and Sciences(CD-ROM),
Reno, USA, (2002-7/31~8/2), Paper ID: 86]
M. Hasegawa, K. Sasagawa, M. Saka and H. Abé
Prediction of Electromigration Failure in Passivated Polycrystalline Line
[Journal of Applied Physics, 91(11), (2002-6/1), 9005-9014]
K. Sasagawa, M. Hasegawa, M. Saka and H. Abé
折れ曲がる保護膜被覆多結晶配線の断線予測 [日本材料学会 第51期学術講演会 講演論文集, 香川/香川県県民ホール, (2002-5/22-24),
長谷川昌孝, 笹川和彦, 坂真澄, 阿部博之
Prediction of Electromigration Failure in Angled Passivated Polycrystalline
Line [Proc. 2002 JSMS Conference, Kagawa, (2002-5/22~24), 315-316]
M. Hasegawa, K. Sasagawa, M. Saka and H. Abé
このページの先頭へon, Tokyo/Tokyo Institute of Technology, (2004-7/15~16), 39-40]
M. Hasegawa, K. Sasagawa, S. Uno and M. Saka